Jon's multimedia

Monday, September 18, 2006

Response to Margaret Morse

I didn't fully understand all of the points that Margaret Morse made in her article, The Poetics of Interactivity, but I think she raised some interesting points.
For one, I do believe that the world of digital media has helped women to find validation for their artwork. There are many excellent pieces done with digital video, web work, and more that are credited to well known female artist. I think that this is due to the new technology. Before there was computers or the World Wide Web, the art field consisted of the traditional arts. Even since the time of the Dutch Masters, there were very few female artists. However, with these new media based works, I think that women are able to create works that are new and different in the art world helping these women to stand out and to become well known.
I also enjoyed reading about the interactivity between he human user and the computer. It is interesting to look at the computer as another intelligent being and how humans use it to interact and interact with it at the same time. I love Morse’s comment when she says, “the anonymous relation between the user and machine enabled by an interface allows, humans, agents, bots, and simulations of humans to interact in computer supported exchange with each other as virtual subjects.” When reading this line, I could not think of anything else other than video games and how they are entirely based on interaction with virtual opponents. I guess what gets to me is the way she talks about the computer and its interface as an equal person in itself, and as another human being to interact with. The thought of being one with a computer is some what scary to think about, but it’s not until you consider these words that you realize there is some truth in them.
In this article, Morse talks about several different interactive pieces of artwork that people have created. When reading about these, I found some of the ideas that were being used were really quite genius. The one piece was a computerized version of a mother and it had certain scenarios put together and the responses of the mother varied too. One of the other fascinating pieces was the hand-eye piece where the user would put their hand into a container and the sensors inside would convert the movements of the hand into visual movements on a projected eyeball. Some of these pieces really inspired me to create an interactive piece of my own. I would like to create a piece of artwork where people could come in and explore different possibilities. Not only do I think the piece would be interesting, but I would want to see the expression on the users face as they work their way through the piece.


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